What is a Dental PRF Treatment?
A dental PRF treatment is a form of natural therapy that speeds up the healing and recovery process after dental implant surgery or other types of oral surgery procedures. PRF, or platelet rich fibrin, is a gelatinous mixture of natural healing components in the blood, including white blood cells, stem cells, platelets, fibrin, and proteins. Platelet rich fibrin can be administered during and/or after oral surgery, including procedures such as dental implant surgery and wisdom teeth removal.

Benefits of Platelet Rich Fibrin Therapy
At Tri-Cities Periodontics & Implants in Kennewick, WA, acclaimed periodontist Dr. Abdullah Alkanan uses dental PRF treatment for a variety of applications. Among other things, PRF can help:
- Reduce the risk of infection after dental implant surgery
- Reduce infection risk after tooth removal (including wisdom teeth extraction)
- Accelerates healing due to natural bone growth factors in the blood
- Promote the growth of new bone tissue in the jaw

When is PRF in Dentistry Used?
In the simplest sense, PRF in dentistry is used when bony defects are present in the jaw. Bony defects are basically holes in the jaw. They can arise from several circumstances, such as when a patient has had severe soft tissue disease or has been missing teeth for extended periods of time. Bone is composed of living cell tissue, and like other types of cell tissue, can become inflamed and susceptible to disease and deterioration. Adding PRF to bony defects stimulates natural healing and can tremendously improve the success of an oral surgery operation.
PRF treatment is often administered during dental implant surgery or during the process of tooth extraction, but it also can be administered in the event a patient has been suffering for extended periods of time with severely damaged teeth or soft tissue. In a physical sense, adding platelet rich fibrin to bony defects (holes in the jaw) helps keep soft tissue of the gums from growing and expanding into voids in the jaw.
Faster, Healthier Healing With Dental PRF Treatment.
Call or visit us today to learn more about how dental PRF treatment can work for you.